It's early in the morning and I was woken up by the sting on my feet from the mosquito bites, only to find that SOMEHOW, I had slept enough to be awakened relatively fresh and relaxed. That's nice. It's Thursday today. 2 days (including the yet-to-end today) more to wrap up the teaching this week and looking forward to the Applied Linguistics class in Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, UM. What's on the menu for today? I'm thinking of Nasi Ayam Blok C for lunch (Yummeh! Thanx Tatie for reminding me!). I have been poorly feeding myself for lunch due to the hectic, insane tantrums thrown by the students (which I am not fond of) and now it's time to SPOONFEED the dear me. Not to mention, the uber happiness of seeing the bank account somewhat replenished again, after VERY FEW zeros and very few money. I had better treat myself indulgently today! XOXO