
Showing posts from March, 2012

Welcome back.

Ah yes. The phrase I often utter honestly and yet is always received jokingly. Months in hiatus - almost 4 to be exact, it rings a bell on me that I seriously need to pick up blogging again. After almost 2 years of teaching English in this center, it dawns on me that to teach Writing to the bunch is futile; and me resisting the fact is more futile. It is almost a joke to think that hard work and perseverance would win in such circumstance; needless to say, slowly but surely I am beginning to rest on the armchair, critisizing in a more, if not the most subtle way of their barely recognized 'essays' - otherwise known as regurgitation of the bits and pieces - or better yet, of garggling and spitting out the bare essence. I am aspired to feel, be, act and behave like water. Said my inner self. Folly is an understatement to describe my firing up of wanting the better, if not the best out of them, only to get fired back. I realise, after a series of heated, nonsensical, pointless unf...