Of Qualms and Whatnots.

Hello again. Such a short dismissal it was, indeed.


Even at the mentioning of the word 'indeed' reminded me strikingly to a wonderful colleague of mine. He is the epitome of funny, honest guy and to be able to be funny while being plain honest to be is wonderful.

Here I am, in the solitary confinement of this nostalgic library, a stranger among the familiars.

These past few months have taught me important lessons. The lessons which I would possibly not be having should I work somewhere else and not in an internationally-composited environment. I learnt that while other things being different (and not equal, economically and physically speaking), some values remain universal. The beauty of looking at people from entirely different walks of life, literally an entire world of difference, shows some promises that we are all one. Living under the same sky no matter where we are or where we are from, is such a relieving feeling. Initially, I was having doubts as to how much the continuum of acceptance be between myself and the 'other side of the world'. Would they be condescending? Would they be demanding? Would they be utterly unsatisfiable? Those questions whirled and whirled in my mind, having not stepped outside my cocoon of feeling I was the only one in this world, and living the life while other people who are of the same kind as I am.

I had to say, it was not quite an easy experience. I remember the very first time I was given the task to be approaching the foreign bunch, I was feeling uptight and VERY INSECURE. I kept thinking, "What if I looked silly in front of them?" "What if they did not accept me?" Yes, all sorts of those 'WHAT IFs' were running wild in my mind.

And the chronicle ceases here. Till next time.


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